How HVAC's Air Purifiers assist health Against COVID-19

Posted on 30 April 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted every industry in the world, and reached every corner of the globe too. We have seen people stock up on essentials, buying sanitisers, masks and following necessary precautions. The pandemic is caused by a ‘novel’ coronavirus, which causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Discovered in 2019, scientists and researchers are yet to discover a vaccine, and furthermore - over 50’s are most vulnerable and ad risk. Though frequent handwashing with soap and maintaining social distancing is essential, could HVAC air purifying systems help combat the infection?


How do air purifying machines work?

1. They remove environmental pollutants

As per the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than the outdoors. Central air purifying systems use fans to pull in air and expel the purified air and eliminate powerful odours and allergies from your workstation or home. They abolish large particles like pet dander, mould, dust mites, organic compounds, odours, smoke and pollen that could cause such respiratory irritations, contributing to better indoor air quality.

Air Conditioning specialists in Sydney say that basic HVAC filters don’t remove tiny pollutants that can affect your health. For example, a HEPA filter catches 99% of unwanted material in the air. However, it is not suited to detect and remove the COVID-19 virus, which is smaller than regular bacteria and pollutants. Though the filters might trap coronavirus, one can’t guarantee that it would be destroyed as the virus can remain alive inside for at least nine days. Thus, air filter manufacturing brands are now examining their filter effectiveness against the COVID-19 outbreak.


2. Prevents respiratory infections

Residential air conditioning services in Sydney are especially important if you look forward to a dust-free home environment, and combat those pesky allergies. An HVAC air purifier would be a smart investment for those who smoke or suffer from respiratory ailments otherwise and to keep your home free from airborne illnesses. After all - better respiratory health results in one's ability to fight off SARS like viruses if they take hold. 


3. Promotes a healthy and clean breathing environment

Industries that use volatile organic compounds (VOC) and radon are ideal candidates for an effective HVAC purifier, which can be used in auto body repair shops, refinishing businesses, salons, dry cleaners and print shops – areas where large amounts of chemicals are used at work. Such toxic wastes and allergens accumulate from paints, cleaning products and adhesives that come from flooring or furniture as well.

On the other hand, the Environmental Protection Agency warns that most air conditioning services in Sydney fail to filter out gaseous pollutants and one must regularly replace the filters for optimum performance. This means that you must plan for the operational and filter replacement expenses in addition to purchasing the air purifier. Most people use the purifier throughout the day, which can quickly spike up the costs.


What about the price tag?

For the perfectionists, industrial air purifying systems can be more efficient as compared to regular residential air conditioning services. Though they come with the possibility to combat serious respiratory infections caused by the coronavirus, they can be much more expensive. In such a case, you have to consider the overall air quality, financial capability and general respiratory health to make a long-term decision. In all fairness, people suffering from respiratory issues such as asthma and allergies should definitely consider installing an HVAC system with a HEPA filter to prevent contracting airborne infections due to the fine particles present in unclean air.

What kind of HVAC air purifier should you use?

Air conditioning specialists in Sydney will show you different kinds of air purifiers for different needs, which have been described below:

  • High-Energy Particulate Air Filter: Removes large particle dust

  • HVAC Ultraviolet Light Air Purifier: Removes tiny bacteria using UV light

  • Ionising air purifier: Uses negatively-charged particles to attract positively-charged particles and remove them

  • Carbon-activated filter: Removes smoke, odour and VOC

  • Electrostatic Air Purifier: Removes airborne particles using an electrostatic charge

A disclaimer in place

Something most air conditioning services in Sydney won’t tell you: HVAC air purifiers are not a one-stop solution to all your airborne problems. Little to no medical evidence exists to substantiate the claim that air purifiers improve your respiratory health. This is because it is difficult to distinguish between different airborne pollutants from other genetic and environmental factors, such as ventilation and furnishing.

Moreover, it is a known fact that most air purifying systems are tested in controlled laboratory conditions that don’t correspond to the real world. The system’s location, flow rate, installation and duration changes as well, as per the needs of your home. The household size, open or closed ventilation impact the air purifier’s efficiency as well, as new particles constantly enter your home. Therefore, your home might not always be as clean and filtered as the brands want to make you believe.

HVAC air purifiers (preferably with HEPA filters) improve indoor air quality to a great extent, which helps you fight against seasonal colds and allergies. You must always read customer reviews, research thoroughly and choose the best air purifier as per your family’s health requirements. Therefore, a well-informed decision is crucial when gifting your loved ones longer, healthier and happier lives. If you are interested in buying the perfect HVAC air purifier, feel free to visit us today.

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